The Importance of Water in Our Everyday Life

What is the Importance of Water in Our Everyday Life?

Eliza Jonasson
3 min readSep 18, 2022
The Importance of Water in Our Everyday Life What is the Importance of Water in Our Everyday Life?
Photo by yucar studios on Unsplash

Water is one of the most important things in our life. It is the basis of all life on earth. The importance of water can be seen in many different ways.

The first way we can see the importance of water is that when we are born, we are about 80% water. This means that without water, we would not have been able to survive for very long.

Another way to understand the importance of water is by looking at how much it takes to produce a typical glass of orange juice or a cup of coffee: 10–15 gallons (38–57 liters) and 1 gallon (3.8 liters) respectively. If you consider that there are about 7 billion people on earth, this means that for every orange juice or coffee consumed, about 10–15 gallons

How much water should we drink every day?

It is recommended to drink at least 8 cups of water per day. Drinking more water, especially when working out, will help you feel better and keep your body hydrated.

How Drinking More Water Can Help You Live a Healthier & Happier Life

