5 Key Changes In The Transport Industry That YOU Need To Know About

Eliza Jonasson
5 min readMay 20, 2021
Photo by Aaron Barnaby on Unsplash

In this article, we explore five key changes that the transportation industry has experienced — or expects to experience — in recent and coming years. Importantly, we also explore how they might affect you and your business, or at the very least, the way you travel and commute.

By being aware of these five key changes, you can take steps to prepare. That might mean adjusting your budget, changing the way you drive, making alterations to travel and commuting, or exploring ‘greener’ and more environmentally friendly options.

The circumstances may not be within your control — but the way you react to them is. Browse these five key changes, be prepared to adapt, and you will not only survive the changes but learn to thrive in them too.

KEY CHANGE 1: Environmentally Conscious Policy & Incentives

The environment is one of the hottest contemporary topics across a range of industries. More businesses than ever before are aiming to address what experts are calling a ‘climate crisis’. This is being seen not just in business, but also across national and international policymaking.

Examples include things such as the introduction of the popular Walk to Work or Cycle to Work schemes, which are designed to reduce the congestion and pollution…

